Ece Canli

Visiting Researcher

Ece Canli is a design researcher and performance artist, currently based in Porto, Portugal. In her doctoral research, she investigates the intersection between queer theory and design practice by looking at design as an active agent in gendering, sexualising, marginalising and segregating certain bodies, while privileging some others. Combining theory, history and practice, she focuses on artefacts, discourses and spaces in particular and unpacks the ways in which binary system of cisheteronormative gender, sexuality and identity is reproduced and perpetuated by designed materialities. In the light of intersectional, decolonial and queer-feminist scholarship and epistemologies, she seeks to find possible ways of deconstructing and interrupting the oppressive material regimes imposed on our material bodies. Besides her individual works, she collaborates and performs with various artists, musicians and activists. Her tools of investigation include texts, sound and voice. She is co-founder and member of Decolonising Design Group.


Danica Karaicic


Shi Di