Marjukka Vuorisalo

Doctor of Arts, Alumna

Of(f) textile –Finnish textile art brought up with the aid of modern technology

The goal of this research is to formulate ways to present Finnish textile art with the applications of modern technology. One particular aim is to figure out ways to increase common interest towards the field of textile art. The main sources of this research are the viewpoints of craft, design and art: the way the Finnish textile art is seen from these viewpoints. The first part of the research is focused on the literature of Finnish arts-and-crafts, design, handicraft and art, texts concerning textile art: searching for typical ways to define textile art from the viewpoints of these other fields. The second part of this research is focused on electronic material: the internet sites of design, handicraft and art, mainly from museums, both from Finland and abroad. The internet-sites are analyzed by searching for typical ways to present design, craft and art, trying to formulate ways to present textile art. The third part of this research is a survey posed to the Finnish textile artists, trying to formulate Finnish textile art as phenomena from the viewpoint of artists themselves. Based on the three previous parts, three scenarios showing digital applications and their use in presenting Finnish textile art are created.


Kirsta Kosonen


Petra Ahde-Deal