Empirica Workshop: Introduction to glassblowing

In Empirica, practices of art, design, and craft are used as vehicles of inquiry. To enhance understanding of research conducted by the fellow Empiricans, we have started hands-on workshops in the practice-led research methods currently employed in our research group. In the initiative meeting we collectively learned about glassblowing. The workshop took place at the Aalto University hot glass studio and was organized by doctoral researcher Sara Hulkkonen who investigates glassblowing processes.

Empiricans in the Aalto University glass studio. Sara presenting her research project before the hands-on workshop part of the day. Photo: Riikka Latva-Somppi

In the beginning of the workshop Sara presented her ongoing doctoral project and demonstrated glassblowing. In Sara’s research, the focus is on the collaborative intra-action of human and non-human actors that is essential in the practice of glassblowing. Currently, she is writing an article on sociomateriality in glassblowing processes.

During the hands-on part of the workshop the participants, who mostly were new to glassblowing, got to make solid and blown clear glass pieces assisted by Sara and fellow glass professional and doctoral researcher Riikka Latva-Somppi.  While sitting in the glassblowers’ bench the participants learned how to turn the blow pipe and how to form the glowing hot gob of glass with a wet wooden block. They got to blow through the blow pipe and form the bubble for their individual glass pieces. This workshop enriched the participants embodied material understanding on how it is to work with hot glass.

Priska making a solid sphere with an air bubble. Photo: Julia Valle Noronha

Sara moving towards to reheat the bowl in the making, Mira opening the door to the reheating chambre. Photo: Maarit Mäkelä

The teacher of this workshop, Sara Hulkkonen, has taught glassblowing in a vocational college since 2009. She holds MA in Art education and is formally qualified as a master glassblower. In the workshop Sara was assisted by doctoral researcher Riikka Latva-Somppi who has a long practice with glass, and research assistant Mira Niittymäki, who has gained practical glassblowing skills during her earlier studies. The Aalto University Glass studio workshop masters Slate Grove and Zachary Compton held a safety talk and introduction to the studio in the beginning of the learning day.


Public defence by Anna Kholina


EMPIRICA at the 2nd BICCS Conference