Art of Research Conference, Editions I—IV

IV Art of Research Conference: Making, Reflecting, Understanding


School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Aalto University


The Art of Research conference and exhibition in 2012 was the fourth in the AOR event series, the first of which took place in Helsinki 2005, and the first hosted by the Empirica research group led by Professor Maarit Mäkelä. AOR12 three main topics were: Making, Reflecting and Understanding. The conference continued the explorative nature of the previous the Art of Research conferences and was held in the Aalto University’s School of Arts, Design and Architecture, in co-operation with the University’s Department of Film, Television and Scenography.

AOR2012 aim was to explore the relations that can be constructed between making and critical reflections, and how these enable artistic and designerly practices to be characterized as art and design, or artistic or designerly research. The event gathered together an international group of researchers and the topics of the presentations varied from drawing, collaborative painting to the influence of play, just to mention few. The elemental part of the conference was the exhibition that introduced varied forms of works related to the research contexts. The exhibition included video-art, installations, ceramic sculpture and paintings. The conference audience was able to see the exhibition works simultaneously with the presentations in the main conference space: Studio Stage.

The keynote speakers for the 2012 conference were: Dr. Kaisu Koski (Leiden University, Netherlands; University of Alberta, Canada; Peninsula College of Medicine and Dentistry, UK), Professor Fiona Raby (University of Applied Arts, Austria; Royal College of Arts, UK) and Professor Harri Laakso (Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture, Department of Art and Media Pori).

For more information please visit the Official web site of the conference.

Art of Research 2009

Process, Results and Contribution
24-25 November 2009
University of Art and Design Helsinki

Art of Research 2007

Connections between Research and Art/Design Practice
1-3 October 2007
University of Art and Design Helsinki

Art of Research 2005

Connections between Research and Art/Design Practice
12-13 September 2005
University of Art and Design Helsinki


V Art of Research Conference: Experience, Materiality, Articulation