Publication highlights

Complete list of publications

Articles in refereed scientific journals


Articles in refereed scientific edited volumes and conference proceedings


Doctoral dissertations

Peer-reviewed presentations

  • Falin, Priska (2013). Experiencing the material: Ceramic material research from the aesthetic perspective. New Materialisms Conference IV: Movement, Aesthetics, Ontology. 17 May 2013. University of Turku, Finland.

  • Kholina, Anna (2014). Understanding Aesthetics of Urban Environment through Drawing. SHARE Conference. 20-21 June 2014. Aarhus, Denmark.

  • Lampinen, Tuulia (2014). What does a 17th century silk fabric tell for today’s design professional? Artefacta Conference: How do we study objects? 8-9 May 2014. Helsinki, Finland.

  • Usenyuk, Svetlana (2013). Facing Global Changes: Local Appropriation of Technology in the Arctic. Reconstructing Change and Resilience in Environmental and Social Conditions Seminar: What can We Learn from the Past for the Future? 15 March 2013. Arctic Centre, University of Lapland, Rovaniemi, Finland.

  • Usenyuk, Svetlana (2014). Beyond Tradition and Modernity: Re-invention of a Mobile Tent in Russian Far North. Arctic Modernities Conference. 16 September 2014. University of Tromsø, Norway.

  • Usenyuk, Svetlana (2014). Crafted Mobility: An Exploration into DIY Practices in the Russian North. EASA2014 Conference: Collaboration, Intimacy & Revolution. 2 August 2014. Tallinn, Estonia.

  • Usenyuk, Svetlana (2014). Proximal Design: Exploring the Agency of Users Through Mobility in Russian Arctic. International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences VIII: Northern Sustainabilities. 23 May 2014, University of Northern British Columbia, Canada.

  • Viña, Sandra (2013). Micro Scale Neighbourhood Revitalization through Design Interventions. INCLUDE 2013 International Conference: Global Challenges and Local Solutions in Inclusive Design. 2-3 July 2013. Hong Kong Design Centre, Hong Kong, China.

Earlier works


  • Kosonen, Krista & Mäkelä, Maarit: Designing platform for exploring and reflecting on creative processProcedia: Social and Behavioral Sciences, 45, 227-238.

  • Liao, Tjhien: Drama in Design: An Open Brief to Design for Wellbeing. International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, 6-7 September, Artesis University College, Antwerp, Belgium.

    Mäkelä, Maarit & O’Riley, Tim (Eds.): The Art of Research II: Process, Results, Contribution. Helsinki: Aalto University, School of Arts, Design and Architecture.

  • Staff, Pia: Drawing and Sewing as Research Tools. In Mäkelä, Maarit & O’Riley, Tim (Eds.), The Art of Research Conference II: Process, Results and Contribution, 52-82. Helsinki Aalto University.

  • Usenyuk, Svetlana & Garin, Nikolay: Shifting from Practice to Research in Design Education: an Experiment within the Framework of an MA Course. International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education, 6-7 September. Artesis University College, Antwerp, Belgium.

  • Usenyuk, Svetlana & Putilova, Irina: Developing a New Northern Way of Living: Adaptation Potential of Movement. Proceedings of the 2nd Human and the North Conference: Archaeology, Anthropology, Ecology. March 26-30. Russian Academy of Sciences, Tyumen, Russia.

  • Viña, Sandra: Designers Out of Demand? Organized Communities and Local Development. Proceedings of 8th International Design and Emotion Conference, 11-14 September. Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design, London, England.

  • Viña, Sandra: Participation Encouraged by Law. 26th Congress of the Association of European Schools of Planning AESOP, 11-15 July. Ankara, Turkey.

  • Viña, Sandra: Making Sense of Interventions in Public Places as Drivers of Urban Renewal. Proceedings of the Design Research Society DRS2012 Conference, 1959-1970. Bangkok, Thailand.

  • Xue, Haian, & Kujala, Sari: From transient to durable: Exploring the emotional value of obsolete objects. 8th International Design and Emotion Conference. London, England.



  • Ahde-Deal, Petra: Jewelry as Provocateurs of Emotions.

  • Ahde-Deal, Petra & Koskinen, Ilpo: When Memories Become Tangible. Jewelry as Physical Representations of Memories.

    Mäkelä, Maarit: Käsin työstettyjä suhteita arkeen ja materiaaliin.

    Mäkelä, Maarit & Latva-Somppi, Riikka: Crafting Connections between Emotions and Materiality.

    Mäkelä, Maarit; Kalajo, Reetta & Wahlroos, Tuija: Arjen voima. Käsin työstettyjä suhteita arkeen ja materiaaliin.

    Viña, Sandra: Engaging People in Public Space – Animato a Design Intervention.

    Viña, Sandra & Mattelmäki, Tuuli: Spicing up public journeys – Storytelling as a design strategy.

    Vuorisalo, Marjukka: En halua sanoa mi tään tai deteksti i lei stä.


  • Ahde-Deal, Petra: Jewelry in the Cycles of Everyday Life.

  • Ahde-Deal, Petra: Multigenerational Possessing – Pieces of Jewelry Mediating Generations.

    Ahde-Deal, Petra; Latva-Ranta, Sanna; Vaajakallio, Kirsikka & Hahn, Young-Ae: Narri – Utilizing the full potential of narrative data through a design game.

    Ahde-Deal, Petra; Mikkonen, Jussi & Latva-Ranta, Sanna: Spatial Jewelry An Experiment with Communicative Party Jewelry.

    Garin, Nikolay; Usenyuk, Svetlana; Panova, Maria & Kukanov, Denis: Design Education in Russia – The Experience of the Master of Design Course.

    Mäkelä, Maarit: In Between Art and Research: Integrating Two realms of Knowing as a Process of Inquiry.

    Mäkelä, Maarit: The Place and The Product(s) of Making in Practice-Led Research.

    Usenyuk, Svetlana: Arctic Design – a Methodological Sketch.

    Xue, Haian & Woolley, Martin: Collective Memory and Nostalgia: A New Perspective on Affective Design Strategy for the Chinese Market.


  • Ahde-Deal, Petra: Domestication and Subjective Value of Jewelry.

    Ahde-Deal, Petra: Power Jewelry: Mediating Power through Jewelry.

    Ahde-Deal, Petra & Mikkonen, Jussi: Hello – Bracelets Communicating Nearby Presence of Friends.

  • Mäkelä, Maarit: Minä ja Marilyn: Taiteilija tulkitsijana.

  • Usenyuk, Svetlana: The Russian North – Northern Tourism through Design Professionals.



Earlier publications can be found in the Aalto Research Database.